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Reviews, Chapters and Commentaries

How “Rock-and-Roll” Solved the Cullin Supply Chain Problem.

Garcia, S. and Pagano M.

Cell Res, 2023.


CDT1, a licensing factor that limits rereplication.

Rona, G. and Pagano M.

Mol Cell 83:1-3, 2023.


Ubiquitin ligases in cancer: functions and clinical potentials.

Duan S. and Pagano M.

Cell Chem. Biol. 15;28(7):918-933, 2021.


Linking ubiquitin to actin dynamics during cell fusion.

Lignitto L. and Pagano M.

Dev. Cell. 56:569-570, 2021.


The Long-Lost Ligase: CRL4-AMBRA1 Regulates the Stability of D-Type Cyclins

Chaikovsky A. C.Sage J.Pagano M., and Simoneschi D.

DNA and Cell Biology 40(12):1457-1461, 2021.


Loss of the deubiquitinase OTULIN promotes Hepatocellular Carcinoma in an mTOR-dependent manner.

Marzio A. and Pagano M.

Cell, Death and Diff. 27:1455-1456, 2020.


Epigenetic suppression of FBXL7 promotes metastasis.

Moro L. and Pagano M.

Molecular and Cellular Oncology e1833698, 2020.


Mixed ubiquitin chains regulate DNA repair.

Rona G. and Pagano M.

Genes & Dev. 33:1615-1616, 2019.


Don’t run biomedical science as a business.

Pagano M.

Nature 547:381, 2017.


SPOP mutations or ERG rearrangements result in enhanced levels of ERG to promote cell invasion in prostate cancer.

Duan S. and Pagano M.

Mol Cell 59:883-884, 2015.


SCF ubiquitin ligase-targeted therapies.

Skaar J., Pagan J. and Pagano M.

Nature Reviews Drug Discovery 13:889-903, 2014.


Mechanisms and function of substrate recruitment by F-box proteins.

Skaar J., Pagan J. and Pagano M.

Nature Reviews Mol Cell Biol 14:169-181, 2013.


The ubiquitin-proteasome system: Implications for cell cycle control and the treatment of Cancer.

Bassermann F., Eichner R. and Pagano M.

Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, 2013.


SCF-mediated degradation of p100 (NF-kB2): mechanisms and relevance in multiple myeloma.

Busino L., Millman S. and Pagano M.

Science Signaling 5:pt14, 2012.


Linking metabolism and cell cycle progression via APC/CCdh1 and SCFβTrCP ubiquitin ligases.

Duan, S. and Pagano M.

PNAS 108:20857-20858, 2011.


FBXW5 controls centrosome number.

Pagan J. and Pagano M.

Nature Cell Biol 13:888-890, 2011.


MCL1 meets its end during mitotic arrest.

Millman S. and Pagano M.

EMBO reports, 12:384-385, 2011.


Cdc25 phosphatases: Differential regulation by ubiquitin-mediated proteolysis.

Young, L. and Pagano M.

Cell Cycle 23:4613-4614, 2010.


Dissecting the role of ubiquitylation in the DNA damage response checkpoint in G2.

F. Bassermann and M. Pagano.

Cell Death and Diff 17:78-85, 2010.


Wnt signaling in mitosis.

P. Kaldiss and M. Pagano.

Dev Cell 17:749-750, 2009.


Control of cell growth by the SCF and APC/C ubiquitin ligases.

J. Skaar and M. Pagano.

Current Op in Cell Biol 21:816-824, 2009.


SnapShot: F box proteins II.

J. Skaar, D’Angiolella, V., Pagan, J., and M. Pagano.

Cell 137:1358-1358e1, 2009.


SnapShot: F box proteins I.

J. Skaar, Pagan, J. and M. Pagano.

Cell 137:1160-1160e.1, 2009.


Tagged for cleansing.

M. Pagano.

The Scientist 23:26-31, 2009.


Cdh1: a master G0/G1 regulator.

J. Skaar and M. Pagano.

Nature Cell Biol, 10:755-757, 2008.


Deregulated proteolysis by the F-box proteins Skp2 and ß-TrCP: Tipping the scales of cancer.

D. Frescas and Pagano.

Nature Reviews Cancer, 8:438-449, 2008.


Wrenches in the Works:  Drug Discovery Targeting the SCF Ubiquitin Ligase and APC/C Complexes.

T. Cardozo and M. Pagano.

BMC Biochemistry, 8: doi:10.1186/1471-2091-8-S1-S9, 2007.


The pRb-Cdh1-p27 autoamplifying network.

P. Santamaria and M. Pagano.

Nature Cell Biol, 9:137-138, 2007.


More money and less time!

M. Pagano.

Cell, 127:664-665, 2006.


Control of the cell cycle by the ubiquitin system.

M. Pagano.

AACR Education Book 1: 162 – 165, 2006.


Amerian Idol and NIH grant review.

M. Pagano

Cell, 126:637-638, 2006.


Cell Division, a new open access online forum for and from the cell cycle community.

P. Kaldis and M. Pagano.

Cell Div, 1:1 doi:10.1186/1747-1028-1-1 2006.


Stabilizers and destabilizers controlling cell cycle oscillators.

D. Guardavaccaro and M. Pagano.

Mol Cell, 22:1-4 2006.


Cdk1, the dominant sibling of Cdk2.

T. Bashir and M. Pagano.

Nature Cell Biol, 8:779-781, 2005.


Skp2, the FoxO1 hunter.

E. Dehan and M. Pagano.

Cancer Cell, 7:209-210, 2005.


Reciprocal control of the G1/S ubiquitin ligase SCF and the mitotic ubiquitin ligase APC/C: A role for Skp2 and ßTrcp in cancer.

T. Bashir, D. Guardavaccaro, N. V. Dorrello, V. Amador, and M. Pagano.

AACR Education Book 1: 1315 – 1316, 2004.


Tests to definitively determine ubiquitylation of a substrate.

J. Bloom and M. Pagano.

Meth in Enzymol, 399: 249-266, 2005.


Systematic analysis and nomenclature of mammalian F-box proteins.

J. Jin, T. Cardozo, R. Lovering, S. J. Elledge, M. Pagano and J. W. Harper.

Genes & Development 18:2573-2580, 2004.


Cell cycle, proteolysis and cancer.

L. Yamasaki and M. Pagano.

Curr Op in Cell Biol, 16:623-628, 2004.


Wagging the Dogma: Tissue specific Cell Cycle Control in the Mouse Embryo.

M. Pagano and P. Jackson.

Cell, 118:535-538, 2004.


Control of DNA synthesis and Mitosis by the Skp2-p27-Cdk1/2 axis.

M. Pagano.

Mol Cell, 14:414-416 2004.


Don’t skip the G1 phase: How APC/CCdh1 keeps SCFSkp2 in check.

T. Bashir and M. Pagano.

Cell Cycle, 3:850-852, 2004.


The SCF ubiquitin ligase: insights into a molecular mechanism.

T. Cardozo and M. Pagano.

Nature Rev Mol Cell Biol, 5: 739-753, 2004.


When protein destruction runs amok, malignancy is on the loose.

M. Pagano and R. Benmaamar.

Cancer Cell, 4: 251-256, 2003.


To be or not to be… ubiquitinated?

J. Bloom and M. Pagano.

Cell Cycle, 3:138-140, 2004.


Oncogenic Aberrations of Cullin-Dependent Ubiquitin Ligases.

D. Guardavaccaro and M. Pagano.

Oncogene, 23:2037-2049, 2004.


Cell cycle control.

J. Bloom and M. Pagano.

Genetics. R. Robinson Ed. MacMillan Reference USA Publishing 1:103-108, 2003.


Aberrant ubiquitin-mediated proteolysis of cell cycle regulatory proteins and oncogenesis.

T. Bashir and M. Pagano.

Advances in Cancer Research, 88: 101-144, 2003.


Deregulated degradation of the cdk inhibitor p27 and malignant transformation.

J. Bloom and M. Pagano.

Seminars in Cancer Biology, 13:41–47, 2003.


Regulation of p27 degradation.

J. Bloom and M. Pagano.

The ubiquitin-proteasome proteolytic system. A. Ciechanover and M. Masucci Eds. World Scientific Publishing. 141-162, 2002.


Butyrolactone: More than a Kinase Inhibitor?

J. Bloom and M. Pagano.

Cell Cycle, 1:117-118, 2002.


The cyclin dependent kinase inhibitor p27 and its prognostic role in breast cancer.

R. Chiarle, M. Pagano and G. Inghirami.

Breast Cancer Res 3:91-4, 2001.


Regulation of the G1 to S transition by the ubiquitin pathway.

L. Desalle and M. Pagano.

FEBS Letters 490:179-189, 2001.


The F-box protein family.

E. Kipreos and M. Pagano.

Genome Biology 1: 3002.1-3002.7, 2000.


Regulation of the cdk inhibitor p27 and its deregulation in cancer.

J. Slingerland and M. Pagano.

J Cell Physiology 183: 10-17, 2000.


The cell cycle inhibitor p27 as a prognostic marker in human tumors and a novel target for therapeutic intervention.

M. Pagano and K. Ravid.

Cancer drug discoveries and development: Signaling networks and cell cycle control. J. S. Gutkind Ed. Humana Publishing. Chapter 31. 545-556, 2000.


Protein degradation is not chaos.

M. Pagano.

Trends in Biochemical Sciences 24: 40-41, 1999.


Regulation of cyclin-dependent kinases by the ubiquitin pathway.

J. Slingerland and M. Pagano.

Cell cycle control. M. Pagano Ed. Springer Publishing. 133-147, 1998.


Regulation of cell cycle regulatory proteins by the ubiquitin pathway.

M. Pagano.

FASEB J 11: 1067-1075, 1997.


Mechanism of p53 degradation.

J. P. Brown and M. Pagano.

Bioch et Bioph Acta 1332: 1-6, 1997.


Regulation of the cell cycle inhibitor p27 by degradation and phosphorylation.

A. Alessandrini, D. S. Chiaur, and M. Pagano.

Leukemia 11: 342-345, 1997.


The ubiquitin mediated proteolytic pathway as a therapeutic area.

M. Rolfe, I. Chiu, and M. Pagano.

J of Molecular Medicine 75: 5-17, 1997.


Cell cycle control and cancer.

G. Draetta and M. Pagano.

Annual Reports in Medicinal Chemistry, Vol 31. J. Bristol Ed. Academic Press. 241-248, 1996.


Targeting ubiquitin-mediated degradation for proliferation inhibitors.

M. Pagano, P. Romero, S. Glass, S. W. Tam, A. M. Theodoras, M. Rolfe, and G. Draetta.

Cancer Genes. Vol. 7. E. Mihich and D. Housman Eds. Plenum Publishing Co., 241-254, 1996.


An historical synopsis of cell cycle terms.

M. I. Chiu and M. Pagano.

Cell cycle: materials and methods. M. Pagano Ed. Springer Publishing. XVII-XXX, 1995.


From peptide to purified antibody.

M. Pagano.

Cell cycle: materials and methods. M. Pagano Ed. Springer Publishing. 271-280, 1995.


Cdc2 Protein Kinase: Structure-Function Relationship.

M. J. Marcote, M. Pagano, and G. Draetta.

Regulation of the Eukaryotic cell cycle (Ciba Foundation Symposium). Wiley, Chichester Publishing. 30-49, 1992.


Cyclin A, cell cycle control and oncogenesis.

M. Pagano and G. Draetta.

Progress in growth factor research 4: 267-277, 1991.

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